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Community Reiki: Love & Compassion Towards Self & World (Zoom)

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other” doesn’t make any sense.” ~ Rumi

In this time of great change and upheaval, many of us are feeling challenged about how to make sense of current events. The events of the last six months have felt like an assault on our senses and our hearts. It seems that each one of us is being called to service, and to make choices, and whatever that might look like for you, it’s clear that our actions matter. How do you want to show up? Are your actions an expression of your heart, and of service to others? What would it be like to allow your life to be a living expression of kindness and compassion? What would it be like to step back from narratives, beliefs, and meet each other from the ground of being, with dignity, caring and love? Join Aurora Hutchinson for a community Reiki Self-Practice and distance energy share as we practice self-care, and offer distance Reiki to each other and the world. As we support our own healing, we can show up fully, with clarity, and contribute to our collective healing.

Open to Reiki Practitioners of all lineages

Offered by Donation: Venmo: @Aurora-Hutchinson or PayPal:

Register in advance on Zoom here