Cloud Gazing

Diaphanous clouds

Forming and dissolving,

Shimmering iridescent at its edges,

Reflecting the sun,

Float and melt

In the oceanic sky

Like sugar.


Memories, images and thoughts arise

Of fields of childhood,

Laying back on a carpet of grass,

Unconcerned with time

Or events,

Just experiencing clouds’ movement.


The lilt of my mother’s voice

Recounting her favorite

Wordsworth poem,

Her scent, those words

Reverberating through me.

Oh, if I could just wander

Above the Earth

As lonely and unfettered

As those clouds.


I rest in the container filled with the 

Wisps of those memories,

A well of wistfulness,

Before the clatter of the dishes

The crash of news

And the usual cacophony of life

That might smother, drown out

These tendrils of emotion

That naturally rise to the surface



In the space of breathing.