Nature’s Wisdom

From the window I marvel at the

Flash of a white tail between

A hedge of bushes

And suddenly a herd of deer

Materialize from between the leaves.

Or at the soaring shadow that crosses the field

Before the crow appears

Riding the breeze

In the distance, a Cardinal warbling with its distinctive

Water sprinkler song

Its scarlet feathers against emerald leaves

Always brings to mind a color wheel.

Today is the second time I’ve seen the fox

In the front pasture

Halting and tentative in its movement

Before furtively disappearing into the tall grass.

And at least twice a day,

the horses sail towards the barn

Their regal confirmation powered by muscular limbs

While the sound of their hooves striking ground, thunderous

That juxtaposition of sight and sound so remarkable.

But it’s at night, when my isolation is evident

The velvety darkness pierced by a single

Point of light.

A lone lightning bug making its presence known by

Tracing patterns of intermittent light at the window

As if to say you’re not alone.

Sometimes I feel like an interloper in this space

As this is their territory

Watching, I attempt to recede into the landscape

Neutral and inert like a rock

Yet in awe of the ordinary goings on as the teeming landscape

Continues to unfold.

It’s a place of immeasurable calm

No need to fix, control, or change anything

Where life continues unconcerned

With petty gossip or news of war

Where I can rest as simply being in this

Kingdom of extraordinary things.